Sunken Hot Tubs in Your Terrace or Patio

Looking for the perfect sunken hot tub for your deck, patio or terrace? Look no further!

Take your outdoor deck, patio or terrace to another level by installing a sunken hot tub. The addition of a sunken hot tub to your garden will create the perfect gathering place for family and friends. We spend so much time indoors – take this opportunity to move bonding time and interesting conversations from indoors to the outside so everyone can enjoy some fresh air! Read on to find out which built-in hot tub from our range would suit your garden the best.

Internal vs external vs electric heater for a sunken hot tub

With so many choices out there, it may seem difficult to decide on which heating systems would suit your sunken wooden hot tub the best. However, each can be easily broken down into pros and cons. The internal wood burning heater has the benefit of having the lowest price out of the three-plus it allows for the quickest diffusion and lowest heat losses since it is submerged in water. Internal heater, though, occupies more space in the sunken hot tub, whereas an external wood-burning heater does not occupy any space inside, leaving more seating for the bathers. In addition, external heaters can be positioned further away from the sunken hot tub with the addition of a circulation pump, which allows for more design flexibility. Wood burning heaters ensure an authentic experience – the aroma of burning wood, the soothing crackling of the fire. Electric heaters are very convenient and easy to use, no prep time required  – with a push of one button, the water in the sunken hot tub will start warming up and with the integrated thermostat, the desired temperature can be maintained at all times.

Straight vs conical benches in a built-in hot tub

If you are leaning towards a more minimalist and classic design for your garden, you can go for a built-in wood-fired hot tub model with straight benches and straight walls. The straight lines and shallower benches allow for more feet space and 950mm internal height ensures that the water level reaches above shoulders – great for taller people. If you would prefer fluid lines over straight and direct, you can choose a built-in hot tub with conical walls. The rounded benches are ergonomic and great for people with back issues.

Endless design options for built-in hot tub installation

For those with a creative mind and keenness for DIY projects, the built-in hot tub provides unlimited options!

Inground hot tub

A classic approach is to lower a terrace hot tub into the ground. The built-in hot tub, of course, should not be in direct contact with soil, so for this approach, the hole for the hot tub should be either with concrete or brick/tile walls and bottom or lined with plastic. The surrounding area around the sunken hot tub can be covered with tiles, wooden panelling, or simply have grass or flowers planted around it. Since there is no platform to step over or stairs to climb up, this way of integrating a built-in hot tub is more convenient for people who experience walking difficulties.

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Hot tubs built into decks, terraces or patios

For those who want to have their hot tub sunken, yet still, a bit raised, the perfect option is to build the hot tub into a deck, terrace or patio. Perhaps you already have a spacious deck, that is not being utilised – the integration of a hot tub could liven up this space and turn it into an entertainment zone in your garden. In comparison to inground hot tubs, if a hot tub is built into a deck or a terrace, it is much easier to figure out ways to hide the spa equipment, as massage pumps, LED light controllers, filters, electric heaters etc., everything can be stashed underneath the deck.

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